Հարցաթերթիկների ամփոփում

2024-02-07 21:24:07

Summary of Questionnaires


The opinions of the surveyed  educational organizations are presented below (in red is the opinion of "Taniq" NGO)      

RES Sector in Armenia       


1.   What is your opinion on the growth of the renewable energy market in Armenia in the last 3 years?

The development of the renewable energy sector in RA is estimated to be average or sufficient. (the opinions of the surveyed  educational organizations)

The result of the study of "Taniq" NGO is as follows.
a. Certain branches of the industry, such as the furnishing of buildings and structures with FV stations and solar collectors, are developing quite well.
b. Thermal insulation of buildings, reduction of energy costs and other benefits related to the green economy are at a low level and do not match the rate at which solar plants are being installed.
c. There are no practical eco-education courses in educational institutions, which would not only connect the growing generation with nature, but also develop among them the acquisition of skills aimed at preserving the environment.

2.   How, in your opinion, do the legal framework and incentives affect the use of renewable energy systems in Armenia?

The impact of the legislative framework was assessed as insufficient or poor/bad (the opinions of the surveyed  educational organizations)
The result of the study of "Taniq" NGO is as follows.
a. The instability of the legislative framework and the frequent changes in laws create an atmosphere of distrust among Investors, Suppliers and beneficiaries. As a result, many businessmen are wary of investing in renewable energy.
b. The next problem is the monopolization of the energy sector. This has led to the fact that, in the interests of a structure in a monopoly position, laws are being developed that extend the cost recovery periods of RE plants.
c. In the case of the implementation of RE plants with large capacities, obstacles are created to protect the interests of monopolistic structures, which make it impossible to implement the projects.
d. In addition, the Monopoly position of Power Producers and Energizers makes pricing and billing unmanageable.

3.   What are the most important measures for the qualitative development of the renewable energy systems market?

The measures presented in the sent questionnaire were considered the most important measures for the qualitative development of the renewable energy systems market. (the opinions of the surveyed  educational organizations)
As a result of the "Taniq" NGO study, the measures presented in the questionnaire were also considered the most important measures for the qualitative development of the market.

4.   How do you assess the prospect of building a "smart grid" in Armenia in the next 5 years?

The question of the prospect of creating a smart grid in Armenia in the next 5 years was not answered.  (the opinions of the surveyed  educational organizations)
"Taniq" NGO considers such  prospect unreal.

1.   How do you assess the prospects for the renewable energy/PV market in Armenia in the next 2 years?

 The prospects of the renewable energy systems market in Armenia in the next 2 years have been assessed as satisfactory.  (the opinions of the surveyed  educational organizations)
"Taniq NGO also considers such a perspective realistic

Quality and Efficiency of RES installations

7. How do you evaluate the quality of the current PV installations in Armenia?
The quality of PV installations currently installed in RA was considered satisfactory. (the opinions of the surveyed  educational organizations)
"Taniq" NGO considers that estimate realistic
8. Do you think it is necessary to improve the quality of PV installations (with regard to design, implementation and maintenance)?
The quality of PV installations (in terms of design, implementation and maintenance) needs improvement.  (the opinions of the surveyed  educational organizations)
According to the specialists of "Taniq" NGO, following measures aimed at improvement should become mandatory.
a. preparation and presentation of the project by the client.
b. Certification of the delivered station.

9.  In your opinion, how important are the following parameters for the quality and efficiency of a PV installation?

 The measures presented in the table were considered important by the respondents to the questionnaire.  (the opinions of the surveyed  educational organizations)
"Taniq" NGO also considers them important.

10.  Do you think there is adequately qualified technical staff in Armenia for the installation and maintenance of PV systems?

The answers to the question - Are there any qualified technical personnel in RA for the installation and maintenance of PV systems? - were positive.
"Taniq" NGO believes that the answer to the question is negative, because the installers are mostly self-taught and do not have appropriate qualifications.

11.   How do you assess the level of training of technical staff for PV installations in Armenia a?

The level of training of the technical personnel installing PV installations in RA was assessed as medium-satisfactory for questions a, b, c, and poor for questions d, e, f poor/bad.  (the opinions of the surveyed  educational organizations)
"Taniq" NGO believes that the answer to all questions should be negative.

12.  How do you assess the level of training and qualification of the trainers in the field of PV installations, and green and smart buildings in Armenia?

 The level of preparation and qualification of trainers in the field of PV installations, green and smart buildings in RA was assessed as mostly satisfactory, and in some cases poor.  (the opinions of the surveyed  educational organizations)
"Taniq" NGO believes that the answer to all questions should be negative.

13.  In which areas do trainers need additional training and competences?

Fields of training necessary for trainers In the answer to the question, all the fields presented in the table were mentioned.  (the opinions of the surveyed  educational organizations)
"Taniq" NGO believes that regarding the first column of the table, specialists have sufficient training. In other matters, they need training.

14.   Which of the following measures could, in your opinion, improve the quality of training of specialists in the field of renewable energy systems in Armenia?

All issues proposed for improving the quality of training of specialists in the field of renewable energy systems in RA were considered important.  (the opinions of the surveyed  educational organizations)
Specialists of "Taniq" NGO also consider the presented issues important.
We would not like to consider these measures on a scale of most important or least important. They are all important.

Competences and certification of specialists working in the RES sector


16. Is there a clear professional structure of RES installation specialists and does it meet the needs of the market?

There is no clear professional structure of renewable energy installation specialists in RA.  (the opinions of the surveyed  educational organizations)
"Taniq" NGO agrees with that assessment.

17.  Are there sufficient opportunities for appropriate technical training of these professionals?

In RA, there are sufficient opportunities for appropriate technical training of these specialists.  (the opinions of the surveyed  educational organizations)
"Taniq" NGO agrees with that assessment.

18.  To what extent do you think that the technical training and the technical skills of the RES installation specialists meet the needs of the market?

The answers to the question were negative if the technical training and technical skills of the specialists in the installation of renewable energy installations in RA correspond to the market requirements.  (the opinions of the surveyed  educational organizations)
"Taniq" NGO believes that this assessment is wrong. It meets the requirements of the Armenian market.

19.  Would you support the introduction of specific quality standards for renewable energy installations?

 All answered positively to the question of support for the introduction of special quality standards for renewable energy installations in RA

20.  Do you think that the certification of the specialists will contribute to the growth of the renewable energy market in Armenia?

 Will the certification of renewable energy specialists in RA contribute to the growth of the renewable energy market in RA? The answers to the question were positive.
"Taniq" NGO believes that this assessment is wrong. Market growth is driven by other factors.

21.  Do you think that the certification of trainers of installers of renewable energy systems will contribute to the growth of the renewable energy market in Armenia?

 Will the certification of trainers of renewable energy system installers in RA contribute to the growth of the renewable energy market in RA? The answers to the question were positive.
"Taniq" NGO believes that this assessment is wrong. Market growth is driven by other factors.



Statistical Data          


Questionnaire questions were answered by;
a. National Polytechnic University,
b. Research Institute of Communications of the Republic of Armenia,
c. Educational organizations included in the Union of RA Employers.
d. "Taniq" NGO.